"The Wisdom of Dr. Low"

I just purchased a copy of the latest RI book, "The Wisdom of Dr. Low: Words to Live By." This great resource has frequently-used and not so frequently used spots and quotations heard at Recovery meetings from four of Dr. Low's books. So, while at a meeting you might hear someone spot "the passion for self-distrust," you can open the book to the section on averageness, and read the sentences that precede it and put it into context. Plus, it gives readers the book and page from which the quotation originates. It also has quotes from "My Dear Ones," a biography about Dr. Low written by Neil and Margaret Rau.

Whether you are new to Recovery or a veteran member, this resource is great because it organizes the quotations by topic, including averageness, beliefs, depression, obsessions, panic, self-diagnosis, self-help, sleep, temper, and trivialities, just to name a few. And it gives members insight into the program. I'd suggest that anyone who wants a refresher on the program or just wants to read a quote a day from Dr. Low get a copy of this book. Of course, it's not a substitute for reading the books themselves as the books are rich with the philosophy of the method as well as numerous examples of how it can be applied.

Long-time RI member, Cliff Brown, helped compile the various quotations that comprise the book. Thanks Cliff, for all your work on this.


  1. Thank you, Nervous Girl, for the outer endorsement! And endorse yourself for a high average description of the new Wisdom book.

    All my best,

    Cliff Brown

  2. where do I find Dr. Low's article on emotions lie.

  3. I am in complete agreement about one not thinking there feelings are facts.
    My feelings when I was younger brought me more unhappiness then any person ever did in my life.
    If another human being would have tried to hurt me as much as my emotions did in those days I would have fought them to the death lol.

  4. I love every book related to wisdom because I think that is the key to success in life, so the more books I can read about that issues, the more I'll be able to understand, so then, I'm going to reach the wished wisdom


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