Great online resource for your mental health

I was moping around last night after waiting around all afternoon for a return phone call I didn't get (the person called this morning - yeah!), and it wasn't until late at night and I was in bed that I remembered I could have posted an example on Recovery International's Example Forum. I also could have called another RI member and given a five-minute phone call, but it was too late.

The Example Forum lets users (you do have to sign up but it is free) post examples in the four-step format and then receive spots from other users. It isn't in real time, but I find it somewhat cathartic just to write my example and know that someone else will offer some feedback, Recovery style, even if it's a day or two later. Plus, I read other example and spot on them and it's amazing how much better it makes me feel.

If you're completely new to RI, you can visit their other forums as well, including the Q & A Forum, the General Discussion Forum, and the RI website. The website offers an explaination of the Recovery International Method, the tools and terms associated with it, and guidance on how to give an example, plus more.

So, when your ready to dive in to RI, just visit You'll find the forums under the Meetings tab. And keep endorsing. It'll make you feel better, especially if you make a habit of it.


  1. Thanks, Nervous Girl, for giving a plug to the Forum; too many people don't know about this wonderful resource.

    Cliff Brown

  2. Thanks for pointing this out! The Web really will help spread Recovery's message :)


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