Rediscovering an RI tool

Recently, I've been listening to my collection of audio tapes of the book "Manage your Fears, Manage Your Anger." My husband started listening to them last week after a long hiatus away from the program. I used to listen to them from time to time, but they had gathered quite a bit of dust on the lower shelf of a organizing unit in my bedroom.

Unfortunately, when I bought the tapes more than eight years ago, they weren't on CD. Now, however, they are on CD and RI recorded more than two chapters on most of them, so you don't have to buy so many. My husband called headquarters today and they told him that they just transferred the tapes to the CD format, which means that they're still the original taped lectures given by Dr. Low in the 1950s. Every time I listen to a tape, if I close my eyes (which I don't do if I'm listening to the tapes while I'm driving) I can imagine sitting in the audience in a lecture hall in Chicago almost 60 years ago with Dr. Low at the front of the room, speaking to the group. On some of the tapes, you can even hear automobile horns honking outside the building as Dr. Low is speaking. You can get a real sense of the personality and character of the man just by listening to these lectures.

I think it's great that Recovery International still sells these original recordings to its members. Even if you can't buy the whole series, I think it's worth it just to buy one or two of the CDs so you can experience the program at another level.


  1. My question is do u get use to hearing Dr Lows voice..I have listen to his Tape's.And I have a hard time following him and picking up everything he says...Thanks for your post

  2. Why not ask your meeting to play the tapes once in a while?


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