Decisions and symptoms

We were invited to go on a camping trip with a group of families we know. I haven't been camping much (only once since staring a family) and this particular trip would take us outside the realm of modern plumbing and running water. I had a few reservations about going and agonized over it for several days. To top it off, we were invited to two other events that same weekend.
I am terrible about making decisions. I've struggled over decisions about what job to apply for, what job offer to take should I get offered another job later, what to eat for dinner, whether or not to eat dinner, what to wear to a party -- pretty much any decision anyone has had to make at one time or another. Big and little decisions alike throw me aback and cause me to shudder.
Since attending my first Recovery meeting more than 10 years ago, decision making -- while still not on the list of my top 10 things to do -- has become a lot easier. Sometimes I just decide to "do the thing I fear and dread to do," like going camping without access to a flush toilet and running water, and sometimes I "decide, plan and act." Sometimes I just have to bear the discomfort and be group-minded toward my son, who really wants to go camping with his friends and doesn't care about running water. Taking things in part acts really helps me when I have to make major decisions. And if I spot "to know is not to know," I relieve myself of the responsibility of trying to predict the outcome of a decision years into the future.


  1. Nice post, Nervous Girl. I don't know if you're aware of the humor, but sometimes the way you put things (e.g. "decision making--while not on the list of my top 10 things to do") makes me smile, and that's a good thing. Also, I'd like to spot, "Have the courage to make a mistake". And "there's no right or wrong in the trivialities of everyday life." Have fun and think how much you'll enjoy modern amenities when you get back--nice hot shower, etc.!

  2. Sounds like u r being Group minded towards your Son and other's..I spot do the things u fear and hate to Do.....ENDORSE....If u have already gone how was it

  3. Joan said...
    I have learned that for me the making of decisions is linked to self blame. I am afraid I will blame myself if I make the "wrong" decision. I found following up my decision with spotting the fear of making mistakes and then endorsing over and over again. Eliminates this fear. Endorse for all your effort.


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