Distressing but not dangerous news

Today is a great day. When I woke up it was overcast, a nice reprieve from the heat wave we've had here in Southern California. By now, however, the fog has burned off and the sun is shining mercilessly outside.

I'm having a difficult time coming up with a blog title today. I finally reached my doctor by phone - no small miracle - but he reaffirmed what he told me before. I don't deal with any type of bad news well, so I decided to draw upon my Recovery training to get me through this and keep my nervous symptoms to a minimum. Plus, I have my meeting tonight and I can give an example (about any symptoms I may have, that is), if I need to.

Fertility problems are pretty average for women in their 40s, so I can even see this as a triviality to some degree. And I can look at the total view, that I already have a child and he's a pretty wonderful kid. As long as I change insecure thoughts for secure ones, I can avoid those troublesome nervous symptoms, like panic attacks, lower tones (which is what we in RI call depression, effectively removing the danger from the symptoms -- I mean, if you say, "I'm depressed," it's a diagnosis and it often connotes danger), and obsessive thoughts.

In our RI meetings, at the end of each example, we share what our reactions would have been before our RI training. This is an objective way to measure how well RI is working for us even though we may not see it. I know before learning the Recovery method, I'd have been obsessing about this for days, perhaps weeks, unable to focus on work or my daily obligations at home. The really cool thing about RI is that you can use it for really small trivialities, but it also helps with the bigger things in life, too. At least, that's my experience.


  1. Hello Nervous Girl,

    Good example and high average spotting. Knowing that you are among a large group of women who have to deal with this can help to take the danger out. A great before/after picture, too!

    All my best,

    Cliff Brown

  2. Sounds like you are effectively spotting. Are you also endorsing? :)

  3. Hi, NG, so much improvement from before RI. You can endorse for all your efforts! You are being self-led, not symptom-led.

  4. I endorse a little every day. Thanks for the comments.


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