The 4th of July--A great opportunity to bear the discomfort

Wow, it's been almost a year since I last posted and so much has changed. A little over a week ago, I tripped while walking on the sidewalk and fractured my upper left arm. I'm trying to type this blog by using voice-to-text software and also typing with one hand: an interesting combination and a way to toughen my nervous fiber.

Because of the pandemic, many of us were able to avoid 4th of July gatherings last year. If you're anything like me, gatherings for holidays can create an environment in which symptoms explode like popcorn. 

Later today, we are attending a small Fourth of July gathering at a relative's house. It will be held outside, and the complicating factor is that because I fractured my arm I'm still in a bit of pain and have to wear a sling, which makes me very warm. So now I have to sit outside on a patio all day where it will be pretty hot, and I will have to bear a lot of discomfort. I thought of some spots that might help me, which include "we can do the thing we fear and dread to do, complications don't make emergencies, and if we expect frustration every 5 minutes we won't be disappointed." I may even bring a list of spots with me so that I can practice while I'm sitting there in the heat. 

Another slight complication is that because one of the relatives is nervous about having people indoors, we can only go inside to use the restroom. So I can't even enjoy the air-conditioned house for a short time Saturday. They have a pool but I can't swim because of my arm, so I get to bear a lot of discomfort today and am trying to take the total view that it will only be a few hours versus the partial viewpoint of not being at home where I am more comfortable. Also another great spot for days like this where family gatherings are pretty much mandatory is that "domestic temper is the most common form of temper" and "I can remove myself from a temper provoking situation" even if it means I have to do so mentally.

If you're observant, you'll notice that I used the word "comfort" a few times in this post. In RI, we learn that "comfort is a want not a need" and that "nervous fear is the fear of discomfort." So this is a great day for me to practice spotting and for toughening my nervous fiber. Also "we don't wait to get well to do things, we do things to get well." Even though I've been a Recovery member for more than 20 years I constantly need to remind myself of this. That's it for now. Wishing all of you a great 4th of July and an opportunity to practice your RI training.

What are some spots you use on days like these? Please post any spots that help you below in the comments.


  1. The situation is phasic not basic. Just a few hours of family. I am group minded by going to the gathering. Objectivity terminates panic. There is no danger only discomfort. Good article, thank you.

  2. Glad to find your blog! I just got into RI recently. Would love to connect and hear about your experiences. I don't see a contact button your site. Are you up for chatting somehow?


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