When it's hard to spot your temper

About 10 months ago, I wrote here about trying to conceive (TTC). I realized it's not a triviality, but it I thought the Recovery Method could help me with the nervous symptoms it generated.

Now, I still am TTC with no success. And recently, I had another disappointment. Needless to say, I was worked up, depressed, discouraged. A friend who knows I'm in this program told me to spot, but I just couldn't. Everything just seemed bleak to me.

For three days, I really felt hopeless about the situation. I realized three days is not a long time to feel bad, but since I've been in Recovery, it's been a long time since I've had three solid days of feeling so rotten.

Then I woke up today and felt okay. I could see a ray of light was starting to penetrate the gloom (how's that for tempermental lingo?). Now, I can finally spot on my symptoms and even on the situation itself. I really believe that because of my Recovery training, the symptoms lasted a shorter time and had less of an impact on my behavior. I'm so glad that I didn't give up and give in to the symptoms for very long.


  1. Nervousgirl,

    I was where you are now 12 years ago. I am now the proud mom of 11 & 8 year old boys.

    It is NOT easy being in an uncomfortable situation.

    Expectations & disappointments.

    With secure thinking, we can see difficulties as mere complications rather than emergencies.

    The resoluteness of the muscles, overcomes the defeatist babble of the brain.

    Change your thoughts and move your muscle.

    Don't trust feelings and sensations that have lied and deceived us in the past.

    Self-torture is the nervous persons favorite past time.

    Nervous patients have a tendency to take the insecure interpretation of an event, and that feelings aren't facts.

    Endorse for effort, NOT outcome.

    Remember to continue using the RI Method to help you through the tough patches.

    Take care!


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